
Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Educational Schools are Really Cool!

Schools like St Patrick’s School is a place where children from the age of 5 can have a education. Teachers teach the children in Rooms that have different year levels. There are six rooms at Saint Patrick's School like Room 2, Room 1, Room 4, Room 5, Room 6 and Room 8.

As the children come to school they hang their bags and prepare for a new day at school. The school bell rings at 8.45 am. When the bell goes, students go to class and then we have Karakia (prayer) because we are a Catholic School.

After prayer, we have roll call and then the day begins. Subjects are scheduled at different parts of the day. At 10.45 the bell rings and it is Morning Tea. Morning Tea ends at  11.10 and the children head back to class. At 12.45 another bell ring which means it is Lunch time. They eat their lunch and play until 13.25, the end of Lunch. They learn different new things every day. At 2.45 they pray and then they go and line up for hometime.

Schools are important for children so they can have a good education and find a good job when they will grow older. Without schools, we would not be able to learn the skills that we need to be successful.

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