
Friday 7 June 2013

Fantastic Football

Do you know what sport we are playing this term? Room Five and I played AFL yesterday, on the field. Our coach was Jereum. We played lots of fun games. We were going to learn lots of new skills. We changed into our P.E clothes for the game.

First, we played a warm up game called Continuous Tag. All of us were the taggers and we had to tag everyone! When we tagged someone, we had to sit down on the grass. When the person who tagged you was down, you can get up and tag anyone who is up and running. I tagged lots of people and some people tagged me. Then the game was finished.

Next, we learned a new skill called Drop Punt. There were four tips to achieve the skill. The four tips were laces away from faces, the cross pointing the sky and the ground, hands on lines, and while we are kicking, our shoes are pointing to the front. We had to go in partners to do this. I was with Celeste. She kicks more better than me and I catch it.

Finally, we played a game which had two islands, separated with a river in between, and fighting in a battle. We were split into two teams. Our partners was in the other team. We had to kick two footballs to the other island so that the people in the other team can't get it above their heads. I got lots of turns and I got points for my team. It was a tie between both teams because we won in round one and the other team won on the other round. Then we were changed back into our school uniform.

Picture of me in SumoPaint

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